2024-02-16T13:16:51-05:00February 16th, 2024|

Whenever you step out in faith, be prepared for the aftermath. It seems there are a few folks who are not happy with The War on Children website address affixed to my laptop that was visible during the February 13, 2024 meeting of the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners. Some folks have begun investigating ways to use lawfare to punish me for their hurt feelings. So be it. I love the First Amendment and know that whatever sticker or message I affix to my laptop, car bumper or cellphone is my right. My laptop is my property. Let’s compare this to public-school classrooms, public libraries and the like where walls are space used for educational purposes. Teachers routinely display things like maps, diagrams of various scientific or biological processes and historical items on classroom walls. Some teachers have used this space to display flags, slogan or ideological messages for kids to see every day they’re in the classroom. Much of this content displayed is personal and/or political in nature, is it not?

This MLive article is an example of intellectual dishonesty by media to push narratives. The reporter knew my issue wasn’t with the LGBTQ+ population as a whole, rather it was a protest of Reverend Jared Cramer and his blessing and sponsorship of an “all-ages” drag show at the safe space of the Grand Haven Waterfront Stadium. His event included young children acting out nightclub activities by giving money to adults for provocative dancing. This is flat out exploitation. What makes it appear permissible is the event’s sponsors, who are also known as “community partners.” In the headline, MLive misrepresented my message as being directed towards all LGBTQ+ people, probably to garner more views. Then, like clockwork, I began receiving emails from people calling me a bigot, claiming that I have a phobia, and saying that I was “disrespectful” to Rev. Cramer.

These folks can say what they want about me, but I’m not the one blessing risky behaviors among kids and adults. I use the term “risky behavior” in reference to this event because that was the rationale given by staff members of Ottawa County Department of Public Health for setting up a monkeypox vaccine booth at the event. Children that attended this event saw performances of physical interaction that are not acceptable in public spaces, according to city ordinances and most human resources handbooks. If I had wanted to disrespect Rev. Cramer, I would’ve given him the nickname of “Reverend Kink” and left a few bucks on the podium for his prayer. I understand he has attorney fees.

As commissioners, we often get reports from our Community Mental Health and Public Health Department that more and more children and teens are needing services. They reference statistics of increased depression and suicide of LGBTQ and marginalized populations. They talk about the need for more resources and the importance of working with community partners. I believe all of this to be true. However, a few of these community partners such as Pine Rest Christian Mental Health, Grand Haven Community Foundation, Ottawa County Children’s Resource Advocacy Center, and the Momentum Center were sponsors of this all ages drag show.

Are events like this simply an organic idea brought forth by a few LGBTQ+ citizens and supporters? I don’t think so; I think these are deliberate and coordinated events to further an agenda. Children reenact behaviors and mimic adults as part of their learning and play. This is why it is so important to nurture healthy activities, trusting relationships and appropriate physical boundaries. Why would community leaders introduce activities into their communities if they knew them to be harmful or risky? It’s as if they’ve adopted the strategy of selling computer software, making viruses for that software, then requiring the purchase of the anti-virus to “stay protected.” This is a lucrative model to emulate. It becomes even more lucrative when grants align with political missions.

The media and those with community influence have an obligation to circle the wagons around Rev. Cramer. The expressions of pride that were blessed by Rev. Cramer and Grand Haven City Council are undoubtedly an exploitation of children and perversion of their innocence. So, what is that worth? For one day, it’s a few bucks in the garter belt of a dancer. For the community partners and those with influence, the value must be lucrative enough to bypass conscience and take the controversy that comes with supporting such events. The silver lining in this controversy is, due to the media coverage, more people are going to check out the documentary and begin questioning events like this for themselves.

The devil demands obedience where God offers free will.

The War on Children documentary can be viewed this week at no charge.